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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/30/22 Thoughts for the church at Ardmore Kevin Markum Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Thoughts_for_the_church_at_Ardmore.pptx 20221030_-_Thoughts_for_the_church_at_Ardmore.mp3
10/23/22 The Work of a Preacher Kevin Markum Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship 221023_The_Work_of_a_Preacher_edited.mp3 The_Work_of_a_Preacher.pptx
10/16/22 Paul's Epistle to Philemon Kevin Markum Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Pauls_Epistle_to_Philemon.pptx 221016_Pauls_Epistle_to_Philemon_Edited.mp3
10/02/22 Faith that Pleases God (Hebrews 11:1-7) Kevin Markum Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Faith_that_Pleases_God.pptx 221002_Faith_that_Pleases_God_Heb._111-7_edited.mp3
09/25/22 How many paths are there to eternal life? Kevin Markum Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship How_many_paths_are_there_to_eternal_life.pptx 220925__How_Many_Paths_Are_there_to_Eternal_Life_Edited.mp3
09/18/22 Love One Another Kevin Markum Sermon One Another Christianity Sunday AM Worship 220918_12_-_Love_One_Another.mp3 12_-_Love_One_Another.pptx
09/11/22 Be At Peace With One Another Kevin Markum Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Be_At_Peace_With_One_Another.pptx 220911_11_Be_At_Peace_With_One_Another.mp3
09/04/22 Welcome, Consider, and Be Devoted to One Another Kevin Markum Sermon One Another Christianity Sunday AM Worship 220904_-_10_-_Welcome_consider_and_be_devoted_to_one_another.mp3 10_-_Welcome_Consider_and_Be_Devoted_to_One_Another.pptx
08/28/22 The Value of Our Souls (Matt. 16:26) Kevin Markum Sermon Matthew Sunday AM Worship 28_-_The_Value_of_Our_Souls_Matt_1626.pptx 220828_-_The_Value_of_Our_Souls_Matt_16.mp3
08/24/22 The Christian's Struggle with Busy Schedules Donnie Rader Sermon The Christian's Struggle Gospel Meeting 20220822_Wednesday_PM_Worship_-_The_Christians_Struggle_with_Busy_Schedules.mp3
08/23/22 The Christian's Struggle with Bad Attitudes Donnie Rader Sermon The Christian's Struggle Gospel Meeting 20220822_Tuesday_PM_Worship_-_The_Christians_Struggle_with_Bad_Attitudes.mp3
08/22/22 The Christian's Struggle with Faith Donnie Rader Sermon The Christian's Struggle Gospel Meeting 20220822_Monday_PM_Worship_-_The_Christians_Struggle_with_Faith.mp3
08/21/22 The Christian's Struggle with Discouragement Donnie Rader Sermon The Christian's Struggle Gospel Meeting 20220821_Sunday_PM_Worship_-_The_Christians_Struggle_with_Discouragement.mp3
08/21/22 The Christian's Struggle with Temptation Donnie Rader Sermon The Christian's Struggle Gospel Meeting 20220821_Sunday_AM_Worship_-_The_Christians_Struggle_with_Temptation.mp3
08/21/22 The Christian's Struggle with Self Control Donnie Rader Sermon The Christian's Struggle Gospel Meeting 20220821_Sunday_AM_Class_Period_-_The_Christians_Struggle_with_Self_Control.mp3
08/07/22 I Will Build My Church (Matt 16:13-20) Kevin Markum Sermon Matthew Sunday AM Worship 27_-_I_Will_Build_My_Church_Matt._1613-20.pptx 220807_-_I_Will_Build_My_Church_Matt_16.mp3
07/24/22 Do Not Speak Evil Against One Another Kevin Markum Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship 220724_-_09_-_Do_not_speak_evil_against_one_another_Edited.mp3 09_-_Do_not_speak_evil_against_one_another.pptx
07/17/22 Show Hospitality to One Another Kevin Markum Sermon One Another Christianity Sunday AM Worship Show_Hospitality_to_One_Another.mp3 08_-_Show_Hospitality_to_One_Another.pptx
07/10/22 Forgive One Another Kevin Markum Sermon One Another Christianity Sunday AM Worship 07_-_Forgive_One_Another-1666807421.pptx 10_Forgive_One_Another-1666807421.mp3
07/03/22 Honor One Another Kevin Markum Sermon One Another Christianity Sunday AM Worship Honor_One_Another.mp3 06_-_Honor_One_Another.pptx
06/26/22 Americans belief in God is dropping Kevin Markum Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Americas_belief_in_God_is_dropping.pptx Americans_belief_in_God_is_dropping.mp3
06/19/22 As For Me and My House Kevin Markum Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship As_for_me_and_my_house.pptx As_for_me_and_my_house.mp3
06/12/22 Honoring God's Institution of Marriage Kevin Markum Sermon Marriage Sunday AM Worship Honoring_Gods_Institution_of_Marriage.pptx Honoring_Gods_Institution_of_Marriage.mp3
06/05/22 Encourage One Another Kevin Markum Sermon One Another Christianity Sunday AM Worship Encourage_One_Another.mp3 04_-_Encourage_One_Another.pptx
05/22/22 Care for One Another Kevin Markum Sermon One Another Christianity Sunday AM Worship 03_-_Care_for_One_Another.pptx 03-_Care_for_One_Another.mp3

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