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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
08/13/23 Back to the Beginning in Matt. 19 John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship Back_to_the_Beginning_in_Matthew_19.pptx 20230813_-_Back_to_the_beginning_in_Matthew_19.mp3
08/06/23 Traditions John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship Traditions.pptx 20230806_-_Traditions.mp3
07/30/23 Those in Danger of the Second Death (Rev. 21:8) Kevin Markum N/A Sunday AM Worship Those_in_Danger_of_the_Second_Death.pptx 20230730_-_Those_in_Danger_of_the_Second_Death_Rev_218.mp3
07/23/23 Jeroboam’s New Religion (Part II) John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship Jeroboams_New_Religion_Part_Two.pptx 20230723_-_Jeroboams_New_Religion_Part_II.mp3
07/16/23 Jeroboam’s New Religion (Part I) John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship Jeroboams_New_Religion_Part_One.pptx 20230716_-_Jeroboams_New_Religion_Part_I.mp3
07/09/23 Why Some Don't Finish the Race John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship 20230309_-Why_Some_Dont_Finish_the_Race.mp3 Why_Some_Do_Not_Finish_the_Race.pptx
07/02/23 Admonitions from I Tim 4 John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship Admonitions_from_1_Timothy_4.pptx 20230702_-_Admonitions_from_I_Timothy_4.mp3
06/25/23 Dangers of Social Media John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship Dangers_of_Social_Media.pptx 20230625_-_Dangers_of_Social_Media.mp3
06/18/23 Fathers and Proverbs John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship Fathers_and_Proverbs.pptx 20230618_-_Fathers_and_Proverbs.mp3
06/11/23 Noncomformists John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship Nonconformists.pptx 20230611_-_Nonconformists.mp3
06/04/23 Why is the Church Losing Young People? Kevin Markum N/A Sunday AM Worship Why_is_the_Church_Losing_Young_People_v3.pptx 20230604_-_Crisis_in_the_Church_Why_Is_the_Church_Losing_Young_People.mp3
05/28/23 Thankful and Glorifying God John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship 20230528_-_Thankful_and_Glorifying_God.mp3 Thankful_and_Glorifying_God.pptx
05/21/23 Such As I Am John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship Such_As_I_Am.pptx 20230521_-_Such_As_I_Am.mp3
05/14/23 Mothers and Paul's Counsel to the Ephesian Elders (Acts 20:17-38) John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship Mothers_and_Elders.pptx 20230514_-_Mothers_and_Pauls_Counsel_to_the_Ephesian_Elders_Acts_2017-38.mp3
05/07/23 Saul's Fall John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship Sauls_Fall.pptx 20230507_-_Sauls_Fall.mp3
04/30/23 Baptism in Acts John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship Baptism_in_Acts.pptx 20230430_-_Baptism_in_Acts.mp3
04/23/23 Facing Persecution John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship Facing_Persecution.pptx 20230423_-_Facing_Persecution.mp3
04/16/23 Obstacles to Being Forgiven Kevin Markum N/A Sunday AM Worship Obstacles_to_Being_Forgiven_4x3.pptx 20230416_-_Obstacles_to_being_Forgiven.mp3
04/09/23 Choose Whom You Will Serve John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship Choose_Whom_You_Will_Serve.pptx 20230409_-_Choose_Whom_You_Will_Serve.mp3
04/02/23 Money (Luke 12, 14, & 16) John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship Money_Luke_12_14_16.pptx 20230402_-_Money_Luke_12_14_16.mp3
03/26/23 Be a Neighbor John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship Be_a_Neighbor.pptx 20230326_-_Be_a_Neighbor.mp3
03/19/23 The Sermon on the Level Place (Luke 6) John Gibson N/A Sunday AM Worship Sermon_on_the_Level_Place_Luke_6.pptx 20230319_The_Sermon_on_the_Level_Place_Luke_6.mp3
03/15/23 Pleasing God in Our Homes (Colossians 3:18-21) Lowell Sallee Keep Seeking Things Above (Colossians 3:1-21) Gospel Meeting 20230315_-_Pleasing_God_in_Our_Homes_Colossians_318-21.mp3
03/14/23 Willing and Ready to Serve (Colossians 3:16-17) Lowell Sallee Keep Seeking Things Above (Colossians 3:1-21) Gospel Meeting 20230314_-_Willing_and_Ready_to_Serve_Col._316-17.mp3
03/13/23 How Do We Forgive (Colossians 3:13) Lowell Sallee Keep Seeking Things Above (Colossians 3:1-21) Gospel Meeting 20230313_-_Monday_PM_-_How_Do_We_Forgive_Col_313.mp3

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